NaNoWriMo Day 7

The Words: 2222 written today. I almost let myself stop after 900 words, because my word sprints were feeling like work, and I thought with the lead I had, maybe it’d be good to stop early today. But I figured I’d keep pushing through. I did another 15-minute word sprint, and it resulted in 1000 words. At that point, I was 4 words away from 2k, so I started into a new scene and ended with the number you see above.

The StoryHave I mentioned that I haven’t been feeling this story. Though I had a couple of new ideas yesterday that brought back some excitement, they didn’t work as well in the incorporation. Well, the first one didn’t. The second one I’m still toying with a bit. If I can pull it off, it might just be brilliant. But if I don’t do it well, it’ll just leave the readers with a, “Huh?” feeling.

Anyway, Darcy did start snooping a bit today. Most of the other blacksmiths at the show  are a bit on the snippy side today. When I have more time to think this through, I may try to figure out how best to drop in proper clues as to what’s going on. I did come up with some of that during October, but not enough.

I wanted to share the last line I wrote today, which will be where I pick up tomorrow:
“In the relative calm that settled in after the kids had left, the scream from the west was all the more disturbing.”

Total word count: 37,408

Don’t forget to check out today’s NaNoToons if you haven’t already: 2015 – November 7th

4 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Day 7

  1. My fingers are crossed that the scene is brilliant and not a “Huh?”, but regardless, you’re keeping on! Congrats on kicking butt today, pushing past those 900 words. And great line.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope it’s brilliant too! That scene will actually happen near the end of the story, which is still a bit away. I’d just go ahead and write it, but it’s just as well it’s in the future still. I don’t know how I want it to go yet anyway; still brainstorming on that during the non-writing parts of my day.
      Thanks for your comment! It actually makes a big difference to me knowing that there are a few people reading this, and that if I report in with a low or 0 word count, with no reason other than laziness, I’ll be disappointed in myself. That helps me push forward.


  2. I hope that the brilliance is able to shine! And congrats on pushing through challenges to break the 2k barrier. Also, I love your line! It’s teeming with tension and foreboding! Good luck with your story. I hope that inspiration settles in soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • A line like that is exactly what I like to have when starting another day’s writing session. It sure helps to jump right in with intensity! I do think that with some action picking up soon, it will be easier to write for a while. Maybe that should tell me exactly what the first 37k words of my story are missing–excitement!

      Liked by 1 person

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