NaNoWriMo Day 13

The Words: 2769 written today. I’ve been working on a word crawl for several days (not constantly, but I keep going back to it). Not only are there word crawls for various fandoms, the crawls break up the monotony of writing the same length sprints over and over. Using the @NaNoWordSprints Twitter feed does a similar thing, but I can start and stop when I want to, so sometimes it’s easier to work with than the Twitter feed.

I’ve been listening to period music a lot this month, from fife and drum music to songs by Father, Son and Friends. I love how it gets me in the right mindset and provides some background noise so the room isn’t so quiet.

The Story: The wife of one of the smiths who’ve died has decided that Darcy’s dad is responsible for her husband’s death. So she has come to exact her vengeance on him, assuming that the police won’t be able to adequately prove his guilt. At the moment, she’s in a stand-off with him. She has a poker in one hand (the very poker that someone murdered her husband with) and a red-hot piece of metal in the other. She’s already stabbed someone with the hot metal, someone who tried to overtake her.

And meanwhile, Darcy is off in the corner puking from the stress. Or possibly from something else that sort of just came up in today’s writing with no real planning (and no reason for why or how it came up the way it did). It may not stay as part of the story in the future.

Total word count: 52,818

Don’t forget to check out today’s NaNoToons if you haven’t already: 2015 – November 13th

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Day 13

    • I’ve definitely gone on from music that’s true to what I’m writing about to music from various movies or mini-series that are set any time before the early 1900s. I didn’t take the time before NaNo started to find music beyond what I mentioned in this post, and my brain needs a change.

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