NaNoWriMo Day 23

The Words: 1840 today.

Yesterday, I decided to shoot for 3000 per day in an attempt to make sure I’m able to finish this draft before the month ends. I knew I wouldn’t have a lot of time to write today, but I didn’t expect to get started so late, and to be so tired.

I worked today, which meant running escape rooms for the Black Friday crowd, which was pretty crazy this year. I was at work until 6, so didn’t get home until close to 7, and then had a few errands to run before I could even get completely home and get supper. I didn’t get to my writing time until 10:30, and then I ran into further issues.

For one thing, as I mentioned, I was incredibly sleepy. I really didn’t feel like writing at all, but my desire to get this draft done definitely spurred me on some. But another problem that arose was that I lost a paper that I wrote on while at work today. On my way to work, I’d started brainstorming how I wanted the 4 extra scenes that I mentioned yesterday to go, and while I had a few minutes at work, I jotted down those thoughts so I wouldn’t forget them. I put the paper into the pocket of the sweater I wear at work, but by 10:30, it had disappeared. I’m guessing it fell out of my pocket when I was getting my keys out to leave.

I don’t think there was anything really crucial on it, but I still spent some time and frustration searching for it before giving up and joining in on a 28-minute sprint with @NaNoWordSprints. That got me about 1300 words, and then a much shorter sprint got me the rest.

Tomorrow is my family’s big Thanksgiving, so I know I won’t get 3000 words tomorrow either (unless I manage to get up early to write, but I can’t even imagine that right now). But after that I will have 6 more days to try to finish the draft, and I think I can do that.

The Story: I finished the first scene of 4 that I need to write before heading into the last few scenes of the story. The king’s father finished telling him about their country’s history with their enemy to the north.

Then, we skip ahead 2 years and see the king (still a teenager) get some bad news that threatens to end the tenuous peace that currently exists between this country and their enemy to the north.

I also got started on the third scene, which shows the king in more present times, having another conversation with his once-friend Antios, before he becomes an enemy of the nation. He is trying to convince the king to let him show him what he’s discovered, and how it can help their country. He’s not acting like himself, though, and the king isn’t buying what he’s selling. The 4th scene should be pretty exciting.

Total word count: 60,488

Don’t forget to check out today’s NaNoToons if you haven’t already: 2018 – November 23rd

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